Spring 2021

INF 504 - Data Mining And Machine Learning
INF 512 - Modern Regression II
EES 685 - Graduate Research

Past Terms

Northern Arizona University
BIO 577 - Concepts in Ecology (Fall 2020)
EES 685 - Graduate Research (Spring 2021)
INF 504 - Data Mining & Machine Learning (Spring 2021)
INF 511 - Modern Regression I (Fall 2020)
INF 512 - Modern Regression II (Spring 2021)
INF 550 - Advanced Survey in Ecoinformatics Tools (Fall 2020)
INF 599 - Ecoinformatics Seminar (Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
University of Illinois
IS 457 - Introduction to Data Science (Fall 2018)
IS 590PRO - Programming for Analytics & Data Processing (Fall 2019)
LIS 452AG - Foundations of Information Processing (Fall 2013)
LIS 456AG - Information Storage and Retrieval (Spring 2014)
LIS 490DB - Introduction to Databases (Fall 2013)
LIS 501LE - Information Organization and Access (Spring 2014)
LIS 560LE - Digital Libraries (Spring 2014)
Iowa State University
Visiting member, Fields Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada; Summer Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Constraint Satisfaction (Summer 2011)
ComS 331 - Theory of Computing (Fall 2012)
ComS 511 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms (Fall 2011)
Math 504 - Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2008)
Math 505 - Abstract Algebra II (Spring 2009)
Math 510 - Linear Algebra (Fall 2008)
Math 511 - Complex Analysis (Spring 2010)
Math 515 - Real Analysis I (Fall 2009)
Math 516 - Real Analysis II (Spring 2011)
Math 533 - Cryptography (Spring 2009)
Math 601 - Mathematical Logic I (Fall 2010)
Math 602 - Mathematical Logic II (Spring 2011)
Math 607 - Graph Theory (Fall 2009)
Math 615 - General Theory Of Algebraic Structures (Fall 2009)
Math 616 - General Theory Of Algebraic Structures II (Spring 2010)
Math 617 - Category Theory (Fall 2011)
Math 690A - Representation Theory (Spring 2009)